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Study shows virgin coconut oil’s potential vs Covid-19





October 20, 2020

THE Department of Science and Technology (DOST) announced that after months of research, compounds from coconut oil and virgin coconut oil (VCO) have reduced the viral load of coronavirus count by 60 to 90 percent.



◆ compound 物、化合物


◆ viral load  ウイルスの量 ※loadは電気の容量や運搬するときの物の重さなどを表します。身近なところでは、ファストフードやピザなどで「具全部載せ」は「fully loaded」といいます。

“The results are very promising, as not only does it show that the VCO, by itself, can destroy the virus, but it also has a key mechanism in upregulating the immune response against Covid-19. Indeed, we look forward to the results of clinical trials on the various uses of VCO as an adjunct for the treatment of Covid-19,” Dr. Jaime C. Montoya, executive director of DOST’s Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD), said in a statement on October 5.




◆ promising 前途有望な、成功を期待できる、見込みのある 

※He is a promising pianist.彼は将来有望なピアニストだ。のように人にも使いますし、It doesn’t look promising.期待できなさそうね。のように状況や物に対しても使える形容詞です。


◆ upregulate 上昇させる、亢進する


◆ immune response 免疫反応


◆ indeed 実に、本当に、確かに、まったく


◆ look forward to ~を楽しみに待つ


◆ clinical trial 臨床試験、治験、治療実験


◆ adjunct 補佐役、助手、付加物、添加物、(大学などの)非常勤職員



In a statement, DOST also said researchers discovered that the compounds in coconut oil and VCO were “observed to improve cell survival.”
“More experiments, however, are needed to determine whether higher concentrations of these compounds will further reduce the replication rate of the virus,” the agency said.




◆ cell survival 細胞生存


◆ concentrations 濃度


◆ further さらに、より一層の


◆ replication 複製、複写


The research, funded by DOST-PCHRD, was led by Dr. Fabian Dayrit of Ateneo De Manila University. The research team “sought to investigate if coconut oil compounds are effective antiviral agents to prevent or reduce Covid-19 infection, following reports of previous research that VCO compounds are effective at killing other viruses.”



◆ sought seek(~しようとする)の過去形


◆ antiviral  抗ウイルス


◆ agents  物質、薬



DOST is currently supporting Filipino research and innovations as it “seeks to intensify the thrust for alternative solutions to the increasing cases of Covid-19.”
“There are still alternative solutions against Covid-19 aside from vaccines. Although further investigation is needed before we develop a possible prevention or treatment option, we aim to give Filipinos hope through our ongoing local research initiatives,” DOST Secretary Fortunato de la Peña said.




◆ intensify 強化する、増大させる


◆ thrust 推進、前進、強く押すこと


◆ alternative solutions 代替案、別の解決策


◆ aside from ~とは別に、~に加えて、~はさておき


At present, the agency is also is exploring the capability of VCO to upregulate the immune system.
“Results from these ongoing VCO clinical trials will determine whether VCO can be used as adjunct therapy for Covid-19 patients,” the agency said.
This was initially announced in April by De la Peña.



◆ explore 探検する、調査する


◆ initially 最初に、初めに、当初は

“This research of the DOST on virgin coconut oil is planned to have two arms: one hospital-based and one community-based,” De la Peña in a Facebook post on April 1.
He said the hospital-based study, entitled “Virgin Coconut Oil and Omega-3a Adjunctive Therapy for Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19,” will be conducted at the Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH) and will be led by Dr. Marissa Alejandria.




◆ entitle 名前を付ける、題する、権利を与える


◆ adjunctive 付加の、補助の、付属の


“The VCO will serve as a supplement to the daily treatment regimen of the Covid-19 positive patients. The study aims to assess the possible benefits of VCO if given to patients with moderate to severe Covid-19 in addition to the drugs being assessed in the clinical trial,” De la Peña said.



◆ supplement サプリメント(サプリ)、補足、追加、補完、付録


◆ regimen 療法、投薬計画、治療計画


◆ assess 評価する、査定する、見積もる

※語学学校への入学後に行うレベルテストのことを、「Assessment test」と言ったりします。


◆ in addition to ~に加えて

The hospital-based study is in cooperation with the UP-PGH Clinical Covod-19 Research Group and the Metro Manila Health Research and Development Consortium of the DOST-PCHRD.



◆ consortium 合弁企業、共同体、国際借款団


On the other hand, the community-based study will be led by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute. The agency will incorporate VCO in the meals of probable Covid-19 patients. The study will be done in cooperation with the DOST-PCHRD and the Philippine Coconut Authority.
“The study aims to assess the possible benefits provided by VCO for patients with Covid-19 as well as contacts and other high-risk groups,” De la Peña said.

訳:一方、コミュニティを対象とした研究は、フィリピン国立食品栄養研究所(Food and Nutrition Research Institute)の主導により実施される。省はCovid-19の可能性のある患者の食事にバージンココナツオイルを取り入れる。研究は、フィリピン科学技術省保険研究開発評議会(DOST-PCHRD)とフィリピン・ココナツ庁の協力を受けて行われる。



◆ incorporate 組み込む、取り入れる


◆ probable ありそうな、推定される


◆ contact 接触、接点、問合せ先 

※コロナ関連の文脈では接触者のことをcontactと呼びます。「濃厚接触者」はclose contactです。





ちなみに、世界でも有数のココナツ生産国であるフィリピンには、ココナツ庁(Philippine Coconut Authority)という政府機関が存在します。フィリピン農業省の下にある庁で、ココナツの生産を促進する活動をしています。


